NELUMBO, NEPAL (Nepalese Ultra Poor Marginalized and Biodiversity Organization, Nepal) is a non-governmental, non-profit organization established in 2017. The organization works in the fields of health, education, environment, and social development.

The Child Care Counselling and Development project is funded by Sharing Minds and implemented by NELUMBO, NEPAL in coordination with Local government, Local groups, and health institutions of the working area. The project aims to support caregivers in the upbringing, care, and education of children and to advocate for the children’s rights. This would further help to strengthen the families and thus contribute to the healthy development of society.

The services necessary for children’s holistic development, like health, nutrition, safety, and protection, are provided by concerned line ministries via various programs. However, since the education, health, nutrition, safety, and protection programs necessary for children are not being implemented in an integrated manner due to the absence of inter-ministerial coordination, the holistic development of all children of ECD age has not been achieved at the expected level. Thus, NELUMBO, NEPAL with the financial support of sharing minds is implementing this project for the caregivers (of the children at ECD ages) to receive information and gain skills to provide nurturing care to their children so that they can support their children to achieve their developmental milestones.



The childcare counseling center has quantitatively and qualitatively appropriate and appealing spatial and material equipment. This is a prerequisite for developing a trust-protected, atmospherically positive advisory relationship, which forms the basis for the desired change processes through advice. The services include advice in individual cases, preventive offers, and networking activities.

The center’s main objective is educational counseling, networking, and preventive offers, which help contribute to health promotion, prevention, integration, and equal opportunities.

The following topics are relevant for the consultation:

  • Nutrition
  • Breastfeeding
  • Education
  • Opportunities for early learning
  • Responsive Caregiving
  • Health
  • Sleep
  • Attachment, regulation, and interaction
  • Child protection


Networking activities and preventive offers:

  • Parent meeting (game tea meeting)
  • Parents’ evenings
  • Selective projects
  • Contact and information point